We organise our own events wholly focused on Matrix.
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We are a group of community members organising Matrix conferences, representing Matrix at events, and running local meetups.
Hi! We are Matrix Community Events, a loose group of people from the Matrix community who enjoy representing, teaching, and/or hacking on Matrix at various tech and open source events. Sometimes we also host our own events! You can find all of them on this website: From our own conferences through appearances at other conferences to cozy local meetups and more.
While we took on the hopefully very clear name Matrix Community Events, we are an open group, and we want you to join us and exchange our experience! Read on to learn more.
We are a self-organised group, driven by the initiative of individuals, who each bring their own set of interests and expertise to the group. While we have few formal processes, we rely on trust and open communication to achieve our common goals. Most of this happens in our Matrix room
We share our resources via our Codeberg organisation
Since April 2024 we are formalised just enough to be recognised as an Ecosystem Member of the Foundation.
Our official Matrix room is, please feel free to approach us there at any time!
Whenever there is an upcoming event or anything else that requires discussion, we set up a meeting through the room, where anyone may join.
Our work is currently very Europe/Germany-centric, but this is merely coincidental - we would love to share experiences and resources with other local groups around the globe! If you are interested in or already running a Matrix community event, whether it is an irregular meetup at a pub or regular appearance at a conference, please join the chat and say hi!
Contact us:
Sources for the community stickers and T-shirts we create are available at